
​Consultation on Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices – Draft version 1.3

The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) has been working on the next revision of the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Technical Standard.  Industry consultation on the draft ELD Technical Standard is an important part of the process, and we are pleased to announce that we are seeking industries comment on the ​Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices - Draft version 1.3. We encourage all our stakeholders to review the current draft and provide your valuable feedback and comments.

The first version of the ELD Technical Standard was published in November 2019 and version 1.2 in October 2020. CCMTA has been receiving feedback from industry, jurisdictions, and certification bodies on version 1.2 on areas that require revision to better support the Federal ELD certification process.

​Update process for the Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices – Draft version 1.3:

  • There will be a 60-day consultation period for the ELD Technical Standard in which organizations can submit comments.
  • When the comment period is concluded, CCMTA will review all comments. Additional clarification on comments may be required. 
  • The revised Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices version 1.3 will then be approved by the CCMTA Board of Directors.
  • The approved ELD Technical Standard will be published in both official languages in 2025.
  • Revised Frequently Asked Questions on the ELD Technical Standard will be available in both official languages on the CCMTA website when the ELD Technical Standard 1.3 is published.

Note about Transport Canada process for implementation and coming into force of the new CCMTA ELD Technical Standard version 1.3
Following CCMTA approval of the ELD Technical Standard version 1.3, Transport Canada will lead the process for the implementation and coming into force of the Technical Standard version 1.3, recognizing that Electronic Logging Devices Providers and Certification Bodies will need a period of transition before the full implementation of Technical Standard version 1.3. Further information will be communicated by Transport Canada in 2025, ahead of the approval of the new CCMTA Technical Standard version 1.3.

How to participate

1. Review the following two documents available for download:

2. Submit your comments online as per the instructions below.

Please enter your first name, last name, organization and email.

SECTION 1 - Comments on specific provisions in the draft ELD Technical Standard

Are there specific provisions of the draft ELD Technical Standards that you believe require revision?  If so, which ones and why?

When inputting your comments please specify which provision you are referencing.

See example below:
Provision 4.4.6, paragraphs (a) to (d): insert comments
Provision 4.4.7 paragraphs (a) to (d): insert comments

SECTION 2 - Comments on specific programming concerns to adhere to draft ELD Technical Standard

Please provide comments on any provisions that would cause programming concerns to adhere to the draft ELD Technical Standard.

The consultation period will be open for 60 days. The online form will close on November 12, 2024.

Questions regarding the consultation process and ELD Technical Standard can be submitted to info@ccmta.ca.

Questions regarding the ELD Federal mandate and ELD certification process should be directed to Transport Canada at mvsa-sa@tc.gc.ca

Thank you for the continued support and input on the draft of the Technical Standard.