
Past Annual Meetings

Past Annual Meetings

Location: Edmonton, Alberta
2024 Annual Meeting  Sponsors
2024 Annual Meeting Exhibitors

Additional Information & 2024 Annual Meeting Videos and Presentations

The 2024 CCMTA Annual Meeting was held from June 3-5, 2024 in Edmonton, Alberta.

Click here for a list of the 2024 Annual Meeting  Sponsors.
Click here for a list of the 2024 Annual Meeting  Exhibitors.

Educational Session Speaker Presentations

Moving Commercial Vehicle Operators Towards Being Recognized as a Skilled Trade

This session focuses on workforce development in Canada's commercial driving sector. Presenters will discuss their approaches to commercial driver training, professionalizing trucking and attracting a more diverse workforce.

Craig Faucette, Chief Program Officer
Trucking HR

Carol Moen, President & CEO
Woman Building Futures

Catherine Williams, Director, Strategic Initiatives
Government of Alberta, Transportation and Economic Corridors

Session Video

Moderated Discussion on the Safety Certificate Model for the Canadian Trucking Industry

Road safety remains a top priority for CCMTA members. In this facilitated session, panelists will share varying perspectives on Canada’s safety certificate model. Delegates will also gain insights from the US’ approach to commercial vehicle safety, oversight and potential lessons learned.

Mike Millian, President
Private Motor Truck Council of Canada (PMTC)

Geoff Wood, Sr. Vice-President
Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA)

Andrew Barnes, Sr. Advisor, Compliance & Regulatory Affairs
Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA)

David Yessen, Division Chief, Compliance Division
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration U.S. Department of Transportation (FMCSA)

Session Video

Road Safety Research - What does it tell us?

Presenters in this session will share data-informed road safety research from national and international perspectives that will support the development of the next Road Safety Strategy.

Paul Boase, Road Safety Consultant

Patrick Byrne, Team Leader, Research and Evaluation Office
Ontario Ministry of Transportation

Session Video

Location: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
2023 Annual Meeting  Sponsors
2023 Annual Meeting Exhibitors

Additional Information & 2023 Annual Meeting Videos and Presentations

The 2023 CCMTA Annual Meeting was held from July 17-19, 2023 in St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador.

Click here for a list of the 2023 Annual Meeting  Sponsors.
Click here for a list of the 2023 Annual Meeting  Exhibitors.

Educational Session Speaker Presentations

Road Safety - Working Together through Collaboration and Innovation

The Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 was proclaimed by a UN General Assembly Resolution with a target to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50 per cent by 2030, recognizing the gravity of this global issue. The Decade of Action is underpinned by the Global Plan, launched Oct. 28, 2021, which aims to inspire and guide national and local government, as well other stakeholders who can influence road safety. Through advocating for the Safe System Approach and providing recommendations based on best practices and research, the plan is an important resource both within Canada and abroad. 

This presentation will provide an overview of the Global Plan, including the key priority areas within the global plan and efforts Parachute in partnership with CARSP and many other organizations will be leading in Canada. Presenter, Valerie Smith, Director, Programs, Parachute and President of the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals will also discuss how road safety needs to be integrated into other policy agendas such as climate action, health, and equity, to increase its reach and influence.

Valerie Smith, Director, Programs

Insights from a Pilot of a Virtual Driving Assessment: This presentation will share the findings of a pilot project conducted in Manitoba. The presenter will share information on their experience with piloting a new road safety technology, drivers’ experience with it, and the correlation between performance on the virtual assessment and real-world outcomes.

Bryce Doell, Manager, Road Safety Programs & Analysis
Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI)

Session Video

Understanding Labour Market Challenges in Trucking - Identifying Opportunities for Increased Collaboration

Through a moderated discussion, panel members will discuss the labour challenges facing the trucking industry, the importance of collaboration, and opportunities to understand perspectives.

Melanie Vanstone, Director General, Multi-Modal and Road Safety Programs
Transport Canada

Craig Faucette, Chief Program Officer
Trucking HR

Mike Millian, President
Private Motor Truck Council of Canada (PMTC)

Jonathan Blackham, Director, Policy and Public Affairs
Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA)

Session Video

Digital Transformation - Opportunity and Risk 

Advances in technologies have challenged jurisdictions to look at new ways to deliver services. Presenters will share how digital transformation is impacting their approaches to delivering services.

Joni Brennan, President
Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC)

Mike Bannister, Director of Digital Government
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Chrissy Nizer, Administrator
Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration

Session Video

Location: Virtual
2022 Virtual Annual Meeting Program
2022 Annual Meeting  Sponsors

Location: Virtual
2021 Virtual Annual Meeting Program
2021 Annual Meeting  Sponsors

Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Theme: Driving Automation Together - The Future of Road Safety
2019 Program: PDF

Additional Information & 2019 Annual Meeting Videos and Presentations

The 2019 CCMTA Annual Meeting was held from June 3-6, 2019 in Ottawa, Ontario.

Click here the view the 2019 Annual Meeting Program.
Click here for a list of the 2019 Annual Meeting  Sponsors.
Click here for a list of the 2019 Annual Meeting  Exhibitors.

Educational Session Speaker Presentations

Earning Trust for Automated Driving

Presenter: Bryant Walker Smith, University of Carolina

Automated driving will be an important part -- but only a part -- of our rapidly changing world. Effectively preparing for that change will require treating automated driving not as a goal but, rather, as a tool toward the goals of greater safety and opportunity. This also means we should focus less on whether the public "trusts" automated driving and more on whether the companies developing and deploying these technologies are actually worthy of that trust.

The Future of Roads and Road Safety

Presenter: Ryan Stein, Nicole Barranco, Julie Washburn

The introduction of autonomous vehicles and other technologies to Canadian roadways are changing the transportation ecosystem. This session will explore the unique road safety opportunities and challenges for vehicle manufacturers, insurance and industry as we continue to work towards zero fatalities and serious injuries on Canada’s roads. Representatives from industry will also have an opportunity to speak to the approaches their companies are taking to manage the safety of new vehicle technologies, including automated driving systems (ADS). The panel will be asked to describe methods used to validate the safety of new automation features and explain how they are managing new safety challenges posed by automated and connected vehicles, such as cybersecurity and after-market vehicle maintenance of advance sensor suites and vehicle software.



Impaired Driving: What Research Can Tell Us

Presenter: Doug Beirness, Christine Wickens

Drug impaired driving is a road safety priority for governments and stakeholders in transportation, health, enforcement and road safety. With cannabis fully legalized in Canada, there is need for continued research and surveillance to monitor the impact of cannabis on Canada’s roads. This session will highlight current research and key findings that will help inform approaches to drug impaired driving.

Doug Beirness

Christine Wickens

Dealing with the Tsunami of Demographic Change

Presenter: Dr. Linda Duxbury

The upcoming century will see a fundamental shift in the change in the nature of the employer-employee relationship as organizations seek to attract and retain talent in a seller’s market for labour. While it will be challenging in this market to get skilled employees, there will also be an increasing pool of people who cannot get work. In her talk Dr. Duxbury will look at this situation through a generational cohort lens, focusing on what organizations need to do to get and keep talented employees within three groups: Baby Boomers, Gen X and Millennials. She will also give employers information on how to adapt to meet the needs of these different groups of employees.

Location: Québec City, Québec
Theme: Road Safety. Innovating Together.
2018 Program: PDF

Additional Information & 2018 Annual Meeting Videos and Presentations

The 2018 CCMTA Annual Meeting was held from June 3-6, 2018 in Québec City, Québec.

Click here the view the 2018 Annual Meeting Program.
Click here for a list of the 2018 Annual Meeting Sponsors.
Click here for a list of the 2018 Annual Meeting Exhibitors.

Educational Session Speaker Presentations

Panel on Distracted Driving

Distracted driving presents a serious threat to gains in road safety that have been made in Canada over the last 60 years. Multiple interventions and stakeholders with differing roles and responsibilities are necessary to address the complex issue of distracted driving. Through a facilitated panel discussion, representatives from governments in Canada and the United States will share perspectives, identify barriers, and explore innovative solutions to address distracted driving in Canada.

Presentations not available.

Automated and Connected Vehicles and the Future

Presenter: Mark Francis, Wendy Doyle, Greg Overwater, Karen Hou

Automated and connected vehicle (AV/CV) technologies are rapidly evolving and have wide-ranging implications for road safety. Before these vehicles are introduced onto public roads, a number of policy and regulatory issues related to testing, evaluation, deployment and regulation, will need to be addressed. Through this session, participants will learn about work underway at CCMTA and in Canada to plan and prepare for the AV/CV future. Representatives from the vehicle manufacturing sector will also share current and emerging AV/CV initiatives in Canada.

Mark Francis
Wendy Doyle


Distracted driving: what research reveals

Presenter: Charlie Klauer, Martin Lavallière

Distracted driving increases the chance of a motor vehicle crash and seriously threatens the health and safety of all road users. In this session delegates will hear from two researchers who will share outcomes from distracted driving studies, what recent findings reveal and how these outcomes might be used to address distracted driving in Canada.

Charlie Klauer

Martin Lavallière

Cannabis and Motor Vehicle Crashes: What is the evidence?

Presenter: Dr. Jeff Brubacher

Observational surveys show that people drive after using drugs and this behaviour is likely to increase once cannabis is legalized in Canada. Driving impaired – whether by alcohol or by drugs – is a punishable offence. In this session a leading Canadian researcher will share what is known about cannabis and motor vehicle crash risk, how to monitor driver use moving forward and perspectives on what we might expect in Canada as the date for legalization of cannabis approaches.

Dr. Jeff Brubacher

Québec Study of Visibility Issues Affecting Drivers of Heavy Vehicles

Presenter: Sébastien Bédard

The goal of the presentation is to outline the main points of the study on the visibility of heavy vehicle drivers carried out by the ministry and its partners (SAAQ and Ville de Montréal):

-Analysis of problematic situations and options for detecting pedestrians in urban areas
-Research into solutions (mirrors, camera/monitor, technology systems) – adding mirrors was the selected option
-Assessment of available solutions: comparative testing methodology
-Results leading to a proposed solution to add and adjust mirrors
-Results of test project under actual operating conditions (feasibility, effectiveness, acceptability)
-Next step: Develop a best practices guide

Sébastien Bédard

Distracted Driving: Enforcement Perspective

Presenter: Cpl. Melissa Wutke, Charles Gakuba

Many Canadian jurisdictions have introduced and amended legislation to address talking, texting, holding and/or using electronic communication devices while driving. Law enforcement officials play an active role in enforcing this legislation. Canadian enforcement officials will share distracted driving enforcement initiatives, techniques and tactics, and their perspectives on barriers and challenges.

Melissa Wutke

Charles Gakuba

Mobile Driver Licence Technology

Presenter: Rudy Godfrin, Steve Purdy, Jeff Quarrington

New and emerging technology has the potential to change the way driver licence administrators interact and provide services to citizens. This session will provide information on the technology behind mobile driver licences and look at the outcomes from pilot testing in United States jurisdictions.

Rudy Godfrin
Steve Purdy

Location: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Theme: Leading the pack in road safety
2017 Program: PDF

Additional Information & 2017 Annual Meeting Videos and Presentations

The 2017 CCMTA Annual Meeting was held from June 4-7, 2017 in Yellowknife, Northewest Territories.

Click here the view the 2017 Annual Meeting Program.
Click here for a list of the 2017 Annual Meeting  Sponsors.
Click here for a list of the 2017 Annual Meeting  Exhibitors.

Concurrent Session Speaker Presentations

Cannabis on the road – minimizing harms and ensuring road safety

PART 1: Enforcement tools for cannabis-impaired driving: A pilot study to test oral fluid screening devices in Canada

Presenter: Rachel Huggins, Manager Policy Development, Public Safety Canada

Recent observational surveys have shown that people drive after using drugs. This behaviour is likely to increase once cannabis is legalized in Canada. To help police deal with possible increased rates of impaired driving, enforcement will need the right tools. In this session, Rachel Huggins, Public Safety Canada’s (PSC) Manager of Policy Development and Lead Coordinator of PSC’s Oral Fluid Drug Screening Pilot Project will share results from the recent pilot study conducted in jurisdictions across Canada. The pilot, a collaboration of PSC, RCMP and CCMTA, was designed to test the use of oral fluid screening devices by police officers at the roadside.

Presentations not available.

PART 2: Cannabis legalization: data monitoring and surveillance

Presenter: Vincent M. Stancato, Deputy Chief Coroner, British Columbia (BC) Coroner’s Service

Data monitoring and surveillance pre- and post-cannabis legalization, are critical to better understand the short and longterm impacts of cannabis legalization, and the potential impact on road safety. Information from coroner and medical examiners files of fatally injured drivers in Canada provides one means for monitoring road safety trends and changes over time. BC’s Deputy Chief Coroner, Vincent M. Stancato will provide an overview of the coroner system in BC, the methods and processes undertaken to determine drug presence in fatally injured drivers, as well as data collection challenges.

Distracted Driving: Your attention please

PART 1: Electronic communication device (ECD) use by urban drivers in Canada: A 2016 survey

Presenter: Wendy Doyle, Executive Director, Office of Traffic Safety, Alberta Transportation

Distracted driving increases the chance of a motor vehicle crash and seriously threatens the health and safety of all road users. In this session, delegates will learn about findings from recent distracted driving research. In 2016, CCMTA conducted a national survey of ECD use by urban drivers across Canada using similar methodology to surveys conducted in 2012 and 2009. Wendy Doyle, Executive Director, Office of Traffic Safety with Alberta Transportation and Chair of CCMTA’s Road Safety Research and Policies Program Committee will share key findings from the 2016 survey and noted changes in driver behavior since 2012.

PART 2: A review of technology related to distracted driving

Presenter: Andrea Scipione, Consultant, C3 Human Factors Consulting Inc.

The range of communication, information and entertainment technologies is exploding. Over the last five years, the development of technologies targeting drivers has also increased. Kelly Forbes of C3 Human Factors Consulting Inc. will share results of recent CCMTA commissioned research to identify technologies that are designed to mitigate or eliminate distraction as well as those that are contributing to distraction. The types of technology, modes of interaction, and the methods for mitigating/eliminating distraction will be discussed.

Framing the Future of Transportation

Presenter: Kevin Byrnes, Executive Director for Road User Safety Division (RUS), Ministry of Transportation (MTO)

Ontario’s driver and vehicle population is growing. By 2020, it is projected that the licensed driver population will increase by approximately 10 percent while the registered vehicle population will increase by approximately 8 percent. There are currently 12.3 million registered vehicles, 9.8 million licensed drivers, and 1.42 million commercial vehicles in the province. Kevin Byrnes, Executive Director for the Road User Safety Division with the Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation, and a CCMTA Board Member, will provide an overview of how his province is preparing for this growth amidst the changing road safety landscape. He’ll address three key pillars of Ontario’s work related to evolving technology, research, as well as the modernization of Ontario’s driver and vehicle program design and delivery.

Ice road construction and safety training program

Presenter: Garry Snyder, Northwest Territories Department of Infrastructure Lead, and Northwest Territories Ice Road Construction and Safety Projects

The Government of the Northwest Territories constructs and maintains over 1,400 km of winter roads and ice crossings. How are these road constructed and maintained to ensure the safety of those building them? Moreover, how is the territory ensuring the safe movement of people and goods on these winter roads? Ice Road construction expert Garry Snyder will explain the Department of Infrastructure’s approach as well as the process of engaging with its public and commercial stakeholders.

In addition to the advantages of reducing the cost of living, increasing employment and making these remote communities more accessible for tourists, the Northwest Territories ice road construction has enabled its residents to travel for recreation, shopping, training, and employment. The ice road network ultimately makes these communities less isolated and better able to sustain themselves all while enhancing connections with each other.

Coming Soon

Issues Facing the Canadian Motor Carrier Industry

Presenter: David Bradley, President and CEO of the Canadian Trucking Alliance

The trucking industry plays a vital role in the economic health of Canada. It is also an industry that shares its workplace with the public. In this session, David Bradley, President and CEO of the Canadian Trucking Alliance will discuss the challenges faced by the industry, as well as potential solutions. Issues include: the continuing focus on truck safety (e.g., ELDs, the legalization of cannabis), Canada-US trade, the impact of automated vehicles and the industry’s human resource challenges.

Legalization of Cannabis and traffic safety considerations in Canada -- Pharmacokinetics of THC and detection of impairment

Presenter: Dr. Matt Goledzinowski, Senior Research Scientist; ACS Corporation.

The legalization of cannabis in Canada requires preventive measures to counter drug impaired driving. This session will address key challenges of impaired driving and detection of impairment for those involved in road safety. Presenters Dr. Matt Goledzinowski, Senior Research Scientist; Abe Verghis, Regulatory Affairs Supervisor; and Felix JE Comeau, Chairman and CEO of ACS Corporationwill explore the pharmacokinetics of THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol — psychoactive chemical present in cannabis which enters the blood and then the brain immediately after it is inhaled or ingested). It is THC which impairs driving. Attendees will learn about the different technologies for roadside drug detection, the most reliable and efficient approach for identifying THC impaired drivers, the impact of various legislative approaches for dealing with drug impaired driving, and the importance of distinguishing policies on medical marijuana from social policies related to decriminalization and legalization.

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Theme: Shining a light on new paths to road safety
2016 Program: PDF

Additional Information & 2016 Annual Meeting Videos and Presentations

The 2016 CCMTA Annual Meeting was held from June 19-22, 2016 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Click here the view the 2016 Annual Meeting Program.
Click here for a list of the 2016 Annual Meeting  Sponsors.
Click here for a list of the 2016 Annual Meeting  Exhibitors.

Concurrent Session Speaker Presentations

Disruptive Technology - Automated Vehicles, Planning for the Future

Presenter: Karlyn Stanley, Adjunct Senior Researcher and  Lawyer, RAND Corporation

As automated vehicles (AV) begin to arrive on our roads in the near future, they will disrupt both private and public sectors in the process. Government and business leaders must not only be aware to what is coming but also start preparing for the required changes. The presentation will look at the changing policy and regulatory landscape that will be impacted by the arrival of automated vehicles.

Effects of Legalization of the Recreational Use of Cannabis on Drug Impaired Driving in the United States

Presenter: Darrin Grondel, Director, Washington Traffic Safety Commission

In this session, you will hear from an expert in one of the U.S. states which have legalized the recreational use of cannabis. The speaker will talk about how cannabis sales are regulated in the state, the nature of their drug impaired driving legislation, how the law is being enforced, statistics on involvement of cannabis in collisions, and what the state is doing to prevent cannabis impaired driving (e.g., awareness/education, assessment/treatment).

Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) Mandate in the US and Implications for Canada

Presenter: Alex Capelle, Segment leader Tachographs, Telematics and Services NAFTA Business Unit Commercial Vehicles & Aftermarket Interior Division, Continental Corporation

An examination of the US ELD final rule, the technical requirements, the interfaces for roadside inspections, the certification process, the supporting documents requirements, and a depiction of compliant ELD systems.

Enhanced Traffic Records Electronic Data System

Presenter: George W. Bishop IV, Deputy Commissioner, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles

Knowledge is power. Virginia's Traffic Records Electronic Data System (TREDS) gives law enforcement and the Commonwealth citizens accessible and accurate information about where crashes are happening on the roadways around them for better safety decision-making. Since 2011, Virginia has been collecting, consolidating and tracking crash data. Now, new features allow users to not only track crashes, but tell them the type of crash and alert them to dangerous intersections and stretches of road. With that knowledge, law enforcement can target problem spots and drivers can be more aware what's going on around them.

Ontario's Enhanced Road Test: A New Tool to Screen for Cognitive Impairment

Presenter: Ward Vanlaar Ph. D., Vice President Research, Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF)

This presentation will focus on Ontario's Enhanced Road Test (ERT), a new road test designed and evaluated by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) for the Ministry of Transportation in Ontario (MTO) to better distinguish between drivers with, and drivers without, cognitive impairment.

Presentations not available.

Ontario – Mandatory Entry-Level Commercial Truck Driver Training

Presenter: Angela Litrenta, Manager, Driver Programs Office, Program Development and Evaluation Branch, Ontario Ministry of Transportation

A status update and overview of mandatory entry level commercial truck driver training in Ontario for Commercial Class A Drivers.

Transportation Network Companies

Presenter: Richard D. Holcomb, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles

Virginia has enacted one of the United States' first comprehensive statewide laws regulating transportation network companies, or TNCs, such as Uber and Lyft. How do you regulate this growing industry? How do you acknowledge the growing popularity of these companies and encourage business growth, yet ensure safe travel for passengers? Virginia DMV Commissioner Richard D. Holcomb will explain how Virginia brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, from the highway safety community, taxi and limousine industries, and TNCs, and created a regulatory framework that maintains safety for both TNC passengers and drivers.

Update on the Canadian Naturalistic Driving Study (CNDS)

Presenter: Dr. Charlie Klauer, Research Scientist and Leader, Teen Risk and Injury Prevention Group, Principal Investigator and Project Manager, Canada Naturalistic Driving Study, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI)

This presentation will see representatives from Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) talk about the study, provide status updates for the study, highlight the options / magnitude of research that could be considered, and provide some time estimates for the availability of the data for qualified researchers. This could lead to substantive use by the Canadian road safety research community.

Location: Whitehorse, Yukon
Theme: There and back again safetly
2015 Program: PDF

Additional Information & 2015 Annual Meeting Videos and Presentations

The 2015 CCMTA Annual Meeting was held from June 16-19, 2015 in Whitehorse, Yukon.

Click here the view the 2015 Annual Meeting Program.
Click here for a list of the 2015 Annual Meeting Sponsors.
Click here for a list of the 2015 Annual Meeting Exhibitors.

Concurrent Session Speaker Presentations

1. Yukon's Google Glass In-Service Road Safety Review Pilot

Amanda Price, Transportation Program Development Coordinator, Yukon Government, Highways and Public Works
Craig Milligan, P.Eng., Transport Infrastructure Specialist, Fireseeds North Infrastructure

2. Auto Theft Suppression in Manitoba - Partnerships and Innovative Strategies to Success

Ward A. Keith, Executive Director, Driver Safety, DVA, Administration & Registrar of Motor Vehicles,
Manitoba Public Insurance

3. The Use of Simulation in Delivering Driver Training to Remote Canadian Communities

Lesley de Repentigny, CEO of DriveWise Canada
Chris Boomer, Instructor at the North East Native, Advancing Society

4. Electronic Logging Devices (ELD)s Reliability and Efficiency for Hours of Service Enforcement

Alex Capelle, Segment Leader ELD, Telematics NAFTA, Continental Automotive

5. The Importance of Winter Driving Safety Equipment

Carolyn Goard, Communications Manager, Tire and Rubber Association of Canada
Ralph Warner, Director of Operations, Tire and Rubber Association of Canada

6. Evaluation of Ontario's Enhanced Senior Driver Renewal Program

Frances Ilari, Senior Safety Research Advisor, Ontario Ministry of Transportation

Learn more about this northern region by watching the introductory video highlighting the majestic beauty culture of the Yukon.